Empowering Eagle River

When it comes to making a difference, I stand tall and fight for what’s right. Embracing change, shaping the future, and paving the way for a better tomorrow are at the core of my values.

Together we can break barriers and voice our concerns, because Eagle River deserves a State Senator who truly represents our needs and values.

Quality Education

We must prioritize quality education as a cornerstone of our state's development. Our constitution rightfully demands adequate funding for public education, however we have seen detrimental cuts to our universities’ funding and insufficient adjustments to the base student allocation (BSA) to meet the growing demands of our educational landscape.

Increasing educators' salaries is necessary. Teachers are pivotal in nurturing the next generation of Alaska leaders and innovators. Expanding funding for STEM, arts, music, and other essential programs ensures that our students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the complexities of the modern world.

Expanding access to charter schools offers families alternative educational pathways tailored to their children's needs. These schools often provide smaller class sizes and specialized curricula, fostering environments where students can thrive academically and personally.

Investing in Alaska's education system isn't just an investment in today; it's an investment in our future. I will honor our constitutional mandate to increase funding for public education and innovative approaches to ensure that our students have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. 

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal responsibility in government is essential for building and maintaining trust, stability, and long-term prosperity. Transparency in spending and budgeting allows for Alaskans to understand how and where their tax money is spent and allocated, and fosters accountability between elected officials and taxpayers. To secure our state's future, we must prioritize investments in sustainable infrastructure, education, healthcare, and public safety. These long-term commitments not only enhance quality of life but also foster economic resilience and opportunity across our state.

Community Safety

Community safety is fundamental to the well-being and prosperity of our state. Strengthening law enforcement capabilities and enhancing response systems are crucial for safe neighborhoods; however it’s important to address the root causes of crime and violence. We need to expand proactive and comprehensive measures through education and prevention programs. Investing in substance abuse, domestic violence and mental health resources and youth services programs is crucial. Currently, Alaska faces challenges with only one public psychiatric hospital and a limited number of residential substance misuse treatment centers. By investing in and expanding these vital programs, we empower our communities to prevent crime proactively and provide essential rehabilitation services to those in need.

Government Overreach

While our government plays a vital role in maintaining public safety and ensuring essential services are provided, guarding against overreach is critical to preserving our values, freedoms, and liberties. Privacy is a cornerstone of individual autonomy, and excessive intrusion into personal lives can erode the trust between citizens and their government, potentially undermining our democratic principles.

Transparency and accountability are fundamental to enduring that our individual rights are protected and that government actions stay within the best interests of the people they serve. We have the right to know how decisions are made and how taxpayer funds are utilized. Protecting individual rights against unwarranted government intrusion is not just a legal imperative but a moral one. Respecting privacy and personal freedoms bolsters societal cohesion and are values Alaskans hold close.

Snow Maintenance

Effective snow maintenance is crucial for the safety and mobility of our communities. Timely and thorough snow removal ensures that roads, sidewalks, and public spaces remain accessible and safe. By prioritizing proactive snow clearing strategies, we can minimize disruptions to daily life, such as commuting and emergency services while also reducing the risk of accidents and injuries caused by ice and snow.

Economic Development

Fostering an environment that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable practices will empower Alaska to build a resilient economy that improves the lives of our residents and positions our state for long-term success in a competitive global economy. By nurturing a vibrant business environment, we can attract investment, stimulate job creation, and drive growth in sectors crucial to our future success.

We need to invest in modern infrastructure, such as the Port of Alaska and digital connectivity, to lay the foundation for economic growth and to see Alaska actively participate in the global economy. Expanding avenues for small businesses and entrepreneurs while also building strategic partnerships between government, industries, and educational institutions are essential for our future.

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